Since 1991,February〜



Great Gatsby


Moulin Rouge

it starts from Kumamoto

Golden Twenties

Starting with the Lehman Brothers collapse in 2008, followed by the Great East Japan Earthquake, the Kumamoto Earthquake, and the COVID-19 pandemic, a series of calamities spanned over 15 years. During these challenging times, many people confronted the question: "What truly holds value and what is genuinely important?" As people navigate through such adversities, there might be a tendency to seek and desire what's truly essential and cherished even more profoundly. This sentiment is reminiscent of a century ago when, after overcoming the Spanish Flu and the aftermath of World War I, the United States entered the tumultuous era known as the "Roaring Twenties." Simultaneously, Europe experienced its "Golden Twenties," a golden age, suggesting a historical precedent for this reaction.


〜30th Anniversary〜

جريت غاتسبي أو مولان روج، يبدأ من كوماموتو.

ومع ذلك، في ظل تجارب هذه الثلاثة عقود، تأثرت جهودنا أيضًا، وحاليًا، بسبب القواعد المالية، نواجه أزمة التفكيك والاختفاء. دعمكم ضروري للحفاظ على استمرارية مهمتنا. نطلب بإخلاص مساعدتكم الدافئة.
حيث استمرت سلسلة من الكوارث على مدى 15 عامًا. خلال هذه الأوقات الصعبة، واجه الكثيرون السؤال: "ما هو القيم فعلاً وما هو الهام حقاً؟" وأثناء مواجهة الناس لهذه المحن، قد يكون هناك توجه للبحث والرغبة في ما هو أساسي ومحبب بشكل أعمق. تذكر هذه المشاعر بما كان عليه الحال قبل قرن، عندما تغلبت الولايات المتحدة على وباء الإنفلونزا الإسبانية وآثار الحرب العالمية الأولى، ودخلت في العصر المضطرب المعروف باسم "عشرينيات الضجيج". في الوقت نفسه، عاشت أوروبا "عشرينياتها الذهبية"، عصر ذهبي، مما يشير إلى سابقة تاريخية لهذا الرد الفعل.



Since 1991, we have been conducting weddings for those who are not financially well-off in Kumamoto, located in western Japan. Despite challenges such as the bursting of the economic bubble, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the Tokyo subway sarin attack, 9/11, the Lehman Shock, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima nuclear disaster, the Kumamoto earthquake, and the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have been at the forefront of addressing social crises over the past 30 years, saving many individuals and serving as a sanctuary.
However, amidst the trials of these three decades, our endeavors have also been impacted, and currently, due to financial regulations, we are facing the crisis of dismantlement and disappearance. Your support is crucial in maintaining our mission's continuity. We sincerely request your warm assistance.
In 1991, we opened a shop in Kumamoto with the aim of creating a place for young people and couples to make cherished memories.
In 1995, amidst the surging costs of the bridal industry, we began offering affordable wedding ceremonies to couples who had given up on the idea of getting married due to the soaring wedding expenses.
Upon being deeply moved by attending those weddings, the Mayor of Uki City requested...
In 2006, we revitalized an abandoned public facility in the outskirts of Kumamoto and transformed it into the largest club in western Japan.
In 2011, we provided relief and assistance to people who had evacuated, relocated, or migrated from East Japan due to the nuclear disaster.
In 2016, during the Kumamoto earthquake, we acted as a bridge between the affected individuals, local authorities, and the government, providing support for the recovery efforts.
During the pandemic since 2020, we protected collapsing communities and aided isolated individuals in need.
The challenges during this period have also impacted us, leading to our current state of being at risk of survival.
We hope for your support in upholding our mission.

In the distant and remote corners of the Far East island nation, we seek assistance to overcome these challenges in order to fulfill the mission bestowed upon us by a higher purpose.
We aim to break free from the dominance of international financial capital and contribute towards creating a better world. We seek those who can help us achieve this vision.
Anticipating an era where religion may fade, we have spent 30 years crafting our unique non-denominational wedding ceremonies that transcend race, ethnicity, and religion. These ceremonies are destined to become essential rites for humanity's future.
As part of a crowdfunding campaign, we will issue NFTs equivalent to 200 million yen, backed by our land, buildings, business model, and expertise, effectively securitizing these assets.
Moving forward, we are embarking on a new venture. It involves enabling genuine social inclusion for individuals with mental and physical disabilities. We aim to create a place where they can contribute to the workforce and achieve self-fulfillment. We seek cooperation from people around the world.


منذ عام 1991، قمنا بتنظيم حفلات زواج لأولئك الذين ليسوا ميسورين مالياً في محافظة كوماموتو في اليابان. على الرغم من التحديات مثل انهيار فقاعة الاقتصاد، وزلزال هانشين أواجي الكبير، وهجوم السارين على مترو طوكيو، وحادث 11 سبتمبر، وصدمة ليمان، وزلزال شرق اليابان الكبير وكارثة فوكوشيما النووية، وزلزال كوماموتو، وجائحة COVID-19 المستمرة، لقد كنا في طليعة مواجهة الأزمات الاجتماعية على مدى الـ 30 عامًا الماضية، حيث أنقذنا العديدين وكنا ملاذًا.
ومع ذلك، في ظل تجارب هذه الثلاثة عقود، تأثرت جهودنا أيضًا، وحاليًا، بسبب القواعد المالية، نواجه أزمة التفكيك والاختفاء. دعمكم ضروري للحفاظ على استمرارية مهمتنا. نطلب بإخلاص مساعدتكم الدافئة.
